로그인 회원가입

이익률이 비교적 높은 상품 영어로


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  • yellow goods
  • 비교적    비교적 [比較的] comparative; relative.
  • 높은    eminent; altitudinous; elevated; loud; tall;
  • 상품    상품 [上品]1 [일등품] a
  • 비교적    비교적 [比較的] comparative; relative. ~으로 comparatively / relatively / in[by] comparison / rather. ~으로 말하면 relatively (speaking) / comparatively speaking. 이곳은 ~ 서늘하다 It is comparatively[relatively] cool
  • 회계적이익률    Accounting rate of return
  • 비교적 큰    large
  • 비교적으로    comparatively; relatively
  • 비교적임    relativeness
  • 자기자본이익률    Return on equity
  • 이익    이익 [利益]1 [벌이·수익] (a) profit; (a) gain. 큰 ~ a large profit. 부당한 ~ (an) undue profit / ill-gotten gains. ~이 적은 장사 low-profit[unprofitable] business. ~이 생기는 거래 a profitable job. ~ 위주의 profit-minded. ~이
  • 상품    상품 [上品]1 [일등품] a first-class[choice] article; a superior article.2 『불교』 the Highest Paradise.상품 [商品] a commodity; an article of commerce[trade]; merchandise; goods; wares; commodities. 가정용 ~ 코너 the
  • 비교    비교 [比較] (a) comparison; a parallel. ~가 안 되다 cannot bear[stand] comparison / cannot compare[be compared] / be more than a match / be no match / there is no comparison . ~도 안 될 만큼 beyond[past] com
  • 높은    eminent; altitudinous; elevated; loud; tall; upper; hawt; altitude; high; treble; willowy; awash; huge; fine
  • 내부수익률    Internal rate of return
  • 법률이 없는    lawless
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